

Table of contents


Date Description
2015-03-30 The original youtube account is created. (source)
2015-04-05 The first known UFSC video (♐980708) was posted. This marks the beginning of the original unnamed series. All 1247 videos posted this day are silent.
2015-04-21 /u/McSweepyPants argues that this ends the first “season” (i.e. videos related to each other via background colors, and other factors such as sounds). From April 5th to April 21st the videos are characterised by having far less talking than videos proceeding them.
2015-05-26 This “season” has the voice only speaking either 1 or 0 as far as can be determined - although note that this has happened in the previous season, but not very often.
2015-06-12 Season seems to have a lot of microphone fumbling. Some unusually “personal” noises too, such as possible microphone flicking or heartbeat.
2015-07-18 ♐LOCK posted
2015-08-08 OR videos posted (♐OR_101, ♐OR_10001, ♐OR_1601, ♐OR_110001)
2015-12-29 DELOCK posted


Date Description
2016-01-05 ♐ (nameless video) posted, with voice saying “10x10”. This is the first video in 2016.
2016-02-02 PER posted
2016-02-14 First BRILL video posted (♐BRILL B) followed by numbered BRILL videos, starting with ♐BRILL 0.
2016-02-21 QUOT posted right after BRILL 24000, followed by BRILL 24001.
2016-02-25 UFSC is featured in a BBC article. Hours later, the original YouTube account is suspended and a new one is created. ♐RELOCK is the first video on the new channel. The long ♐BRILL 49999 is also posted.
2016-03-07 Twitter account created; ♐EL series begins.
2016-03-08 ♐EL 311 is the first observed tweet.
2016-03-09 N* BRILL posted, as well as the short ♐BRILL 49999.
2016-03-12 RIA series begins on twitter.
2016-03-13 A tweet without the sagittarius symbol is posted (“626697”). It has the same video as ♐909583, which follows it.
2016-03-14 G+ post with garbled links to Twitter and YouTube; New YouTube channel and Twitter account discovered.
2016-03-15 “MAX_TEND” posted on G+ page.
2016-03-18 REDLOC posted; ♐LEE series begins on twitter.
2016-03-19 Garbled tweet posted containing code from YouTube.
2016-03-25 ZUFCHO posted.
2016-03-26 LONE posted; ♐CAB series begins on twitter.
2016-03-27 WINGSET posted; ♐MUL series begins on twitter.
2016-03-28 RETIO posted.
2016-03-29 LIMIT posted.
2016-04-10 An unnamed series is posted to twitter; ♐NIL series begins on twitter.
2016-05-03 SQEN posted; it is deleted shortly thereafter.
2016-05-04 NIL videos stop on twitter.
2016-05-06 NIL Resumes for a short period.
2016-05-07 NIL Stops at NIL 30332.
2016-05-12 RESQEN posted.
2016-05-14 Twitter stops posting after going on a strange pattern (stopping for a while than posting a few videos and on and on).
2016-05-16 The ♐BRINE Series starts on the new YouTube channel.
2016-05-24 CREM is uploaded to the new YouTube channel. It contains dialogue.
2016-05-26 FEND series begins on youtube.
2016-06-04 FEND series ends with ♐FEND 19.
2016-06-11 LOVE posted on youtube.
2016-06-11 FOND series begins on youtube.
2016-06-14 FOND series ends with ♐FOND 7.
2016-06-14 DEPTH series begins on twitter.
2016-06-16 Twitter resumes posting after one of a series of pauses.
2016-07-12 JALVINSACH posted on youtube.
2016-07-12 An unnamed series begins on youtube with ♐260265.
2016-07-13 Unnamed series on youtube ends with ♐113450 after 10 videos.
2016-07-14 Twitter posts ♐DEPTH 28153, after which the Twitter account goes silent for four months.
2016-07-14 MAX_TEND posted on youtube.
2016-08-24 Stabilitory newing channel started on youtube.
2016-08-31 Live Stream was created on YouTube channel, only noticed after the fact. No record of what it was (if anything).
2016-09-03 BROTHER series begins on Stabilitory newing.
2016-09-16 G+ page no longer has the comment with the text “MAX_TEND”; it was noticed to be missing on this date (Last confirmed being there on 2016-09-13).
2016-09-22 New post on G+ page (MAX_TENDMALFORM RETSPLIT&#8853201639#98082016239).
2016-09-23 MAX_TEND renamed to ♐MAX_TEND MALFORM.
2016-09-23 RECOVER posted; ♐BROTHER series begins on youtube.
2016-10-05 BROTHER series stops with ♐BROTHER 15.
2016-10-10 HARVEST posted on youtube.
2016-10-11 SLIM series begins on youtube.
2016-10-13 SLIM series ends on youtube.
2016-11-11 RAPID posted on youtube.
2016-11-14 BROTHER series resumes with ♐BROTHER 16 being posted on youtube; twitter account becomes active again, posting new ♐DEPTH videos.
2016-11-16 LOCUS series begins on youtube.
2016-11-19 BROTHER series ends with ♐BROTHER 31.
2016-11-22 twitter account stops posting at ♐DEPTH 30000.
2016-11-24 LOCUS series ends with ♐LOCUS 15.
2016-11-25 CRIMP is posted on youtube.
2016-11-26 CLEAN series begins on youtube.
2016-11-30 CLEAN series ends with ♐CLEAN 7.
2016-12-04 FOLD is posted on youtube.
2016-12-05 BREADTH series begins on youtube.
2016-12-06 BREADTH series ends with only two videos posted.
2016-12-07 STEM posted on youtube.
2016-12-24 ♐♐LOYAL posted on OT channel on or around this date.


Date Description
2017-01-07 UPRIGHT posted on youtube.
2017-01-28 DIAGONAL posted on youtube.
2017-01-29 MOTH series begins on youtube.
2017-01-29 POINT series begins on Twitter.
2017-02-13 POINT series stops at ♐POINT 5818. This was the final known post on the twitter account before its subsequent deletion.
2017-03-04 MOTH series stops at ♐MOTH 55.
2017-03-18 GOLDEN posted on youtube.
2017-03-19 DUAL series begins on youtube.
2017-03-24 DUAL series end at ♐DUAL 9.
2017-03-29 HULL is posted on youtube.
2017-03-30 BROAD series begins on youtube.
2017-04-04 BROAD series stops with ♐BROAD 9.
2017-05-12 LANYARD posted on youtube.
2017-05-17 RATE posted on Stabilitory newing; ⊕BELT series begins on Stabilitory newing.
2017-06-01 BELT series ends on Stabilitory newing with ⊕BELT 24.
2017-06-02 BRING posted on youtube.
2017-06-19 ♐♐CULLET posted on OT channel on or around this date.
2017-06-24 HOLDOUT posted on youtube.
2017-09-13 UFSC is featured in a Russian channel’s YouTube video about internet mysteries. The video had almost 400 thousand views in the first 24 hours, rapidly rising to over half a million shortly after that (see the video statistics).
2017-09-15 RESET_STRANGE_YD posted on youtube; shortly after that, the unfavorablesemi YouTube channel, the stabilitory newing YouTube channel and the Twitter account were manually closed.
2017-11-25 After the Twitter account is recreated (by the original author or someone else), a single tweet is posted on this date.
2017-12-06 FMI and ♐DDR DONE uploaded to the Twitter account.*
2017-12-09 SECOND series begins on Twitter.*
2017-12-13 SECOND series ends on Twitter.*
2017-12-23 STRAND series posted on Twitter.*
2017-12-27 REVI posted on Twitter.*
2017-12-31 PORT posted to 3rd youtube channel*; cryptic text posted on Twitter.

* This material is now considered non-canonical; please see Un-REAL UFSC.


Date Description
2018-01-04 RUN posted to 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-01-22 NODE posted to 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-01-26 SERN posted to 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-02-11 UFSC is listed at #2 in a popular youtube video by The Infographics Show called “What Are The Weirdest Unsolved Internet Mysteries?”
2018-02-19* SERN is observed to have been removed from the 3rd youtube channel.
2018-03-26 ZORO is posted to the 3rd youtube channel and immediately removed.*
2018-03-29 COEF is posted to the 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-04-29 NEO is posted to the 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-05-03 AZO series begins on the 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-05-07 AZO series ends on the 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-05-26 DIFF is posted to the 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-08-17 CFO is posted to the 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-10-14 GEN is posted to the 3rd youtube channel.*
2018-12-31 ROOT series begins on the 3rd youtube channel.*

* This material is now considered non-canonical; please see Un-REAL UFSC.


Date Description
2019-03-27 The content on UFSC’s G+ page is removed, several days before the service is due to shut down. After that deletion was noticed, a new G+ post claims which accounts are “real”.
2019-12-31 FORM 0 is posted to the 3rd youtube channel.*

* This material is now considered non-canonical; please see Un-REAL UFSC.


Date Description
2020-12-26 Youtuber Chill Fuel posts a video entitled “Unfavorable Semicircle - Youtube’s Strangest Channel” which quickly garners over one hunded thousand views, bringing renewed interest to UFSC


Date Description
2022-06-01 the Unfavorable Semicircle twitter account (@unfavorablesem) became active for the first time since its founding in March 2019, posting a series of tweets in a short period of time.
2022-06-09 @unfavorablesem provides ANSWERS to a series of questions posed by the community, possibly bringing closure to the mysteries of UFSC.