♐FORM is the final series of videos uploaded to the 3rd youtube channel. The first video was posted on December 31st, 2019, exactly one year after ♐ROOT 0, the channel’s previous upload. This was the first content posted on the channel after the 4th G+ post caused a re-appraisal of its authenticity. The second video (♐FORM 1) was uploaded on January 2nd, 2020, making FORM a legitimate series, unlike ♐ROOT.
Although it was theorized that a “full” series (based on analysis of the composites) might include 24 videos, only three have been posted, with nothing (yet) following the posting of ♐FORM 2 on January 5, 2020.
more to follow!
more to follow!
Discord user Chris notes that, “FORM 2’s audio really resembles something that would be time stretched I can hear the stuttering and rubber banding. The artifacts are visible on the spectrogram when one section changes into another.”
And adds: “At least they are something that audacity does with the low quality time stretch. Here’s a sample of my voice with the same behaviour:”
(composite of ♐FORM 0, 1 + 2 1by discord user mark A Hidden Waffle, who adds: “[n]ote that making a composite directly, they aren’t all lined up in the same spot, so I just moved parts around in gimp to make it line up”.)
The composite forms a color gradient. mark mcmarkins observes, “if the composite is meant to be a square then there will be 24 FORMs (also assuming i got the width right).”
There is a pattern of some sort visible in the right edge of the composite:
(detail from ♐FORM 0)
none yet!
♐FORM 0: https://youtu.be/nfXy8nP6CLU
♐FORM 1: https://youtu.be/RrS0BtaOddc