
Welcome to the Unfavorable Semicircle Wiki

What is Unfavorable Semicircle?

Unfavorable Semicircle was the name of a channel on YouTube which garnered attention for the huge number of videos it published and the unusual nature of the videos over the course of a year. The account went live on March 30, 2015 and began posting extremely frequently, with two or three videos being published every two minutes.

Tens of thousands of videos were posted on the channel while it was active, some only a few seconds long, others as long as eleven hours. All featured abstract images and were either silent or contained distorted voices and unusual sounds.

The channel garnered much attention and curiosity after one of its videos was posted to Reddit and soon hit the mainstream news on February 22nd. On February 25, 2016, the channel had been terminated by YouTube.

On March 3, 2016, Unfavorable Semicircle was discovered on Twitter and on a new YouTube account after decoding a post on the Google+ page that was linked to the Original YouTube channel.

On 2017 the channel deleted itself, and its twitter account.

Later, the twitter account was reopened, and linked to another YouTube account, although later evidence has indicated that these may not be “real”.




Joining the Community

We’re a fairly active community, dedicated to solving this mystery. There is a lot of work to be done! Because there are so many unknown parts to this phenomenon, a wide variety of skills are required. Coding, video editing and sound engineering and more are being employed to try and figure this out, but even if you don’t know anything about those fields, your own particular expertise (as well as your questions and your analytical mind) is still important! Most discussion happens on the Discord.

Discord Chat




Contributing to the Wiki

This wiki was migrated from the original MediaWiki to Github Pages. If you would like to contribute please see Updating the wiki.