OR is a short series of videos that were posted on the original youtube account on August 8, 2015. They were also the last videos posted before a four-month gap in posting. (This was, at the time, the longest known gap between posts.) The preceding video posted was ♐LOCK, and the following video (posted in December) was ♐DELOCK. The videos are notable for being one of the exceptional videos on the channel.
There were only four videos in the series:
All links are mirrors
The significance of the operator “OR” in the titles is unclear.
The numbers in the titles can be interpreted as the lengths of the videos: “1:01,” “16:01,” “1:00:01,” and “11:00:01.”
The OR videos are unusual in several respects:
A strange effect was discovered on certain TVs that played any of the videos:
On December 2021, Discord user Stekapinko
uploaded a video, along with this comment (referring to ♐OR_101):
hey i just found this server from a video about unfavorable semicircle and looked at the archives of it. I looked at a video called “RETIO” and saw that my phone saw something different than my pc
the same goes for this video
This behavior is possibly related to memory glitches from Stagefright exploits.