

♐FOND is a series posted to the new youtube account between June 11 and 14, 2016. There are eight videos in the series.


The videos all have an identical theoretical length of 27:45. That time is listed for them on youtube, but they play as video (and open in Audacity) with a length of 23:45. It is unclear if there are three “hidden” minutes like in ♐LIMIT.


It seems that the sound on all FOND videos is the same.

please expand!


2-D composite

All: http://tomasf.se/projects/semi/FOND_composite.png

Side A: http://tomasf.se/projects/semi/FOND_composite_A.png

Side B: http://tomasf.se/projects/semi/FOND_composite_B.png

FOND composite.png

combined ♐FOND composite

XOR composite

Inspired by the reference to the ⊕ (XOR) symbol in the third G+ post, Piecat has created an XOR’ed composite.

Fond xor composite.PNG

♐FOND XOR composite

The method is described as taking all of the videos in a series and graphically XORing them using the exclusion mixing mode. The resulting composite for ♐FOND has a consistent pattern of alternating 7- and 8-bit strips (i.e. 7 pixels horizontal then 8 pixels horizontal of the same color), whereas one might expect the result to be random. This indicates the possibility there may be a file or or a message hidden in that composite.

3-D Composite

Creating a 3-D composite reveals an inner structure:

FOND 3-D composite, view 1.png

♐FOND 3-D composite, view 1.png

FOND 3-D composite, view 2.png

♐FOND 3-D composite, view 2.png

Theories on origin

Reddit user /u/FreezePond believes the video is named after him for the fact that he was talking about “what if he had a video named after him” and it was uploaded.

♐FOND 0: https://youtu.be/3a9LSIXuKNc

♐FOND 1: https://youtu.be/Jbz7Ayc_zVs

♐FOND 2: https://youtu.be/6YK1oXbnYvw

♐FOND 3: https://youtu.be/YXDeKBYz8zs

♐FOND 4: https://youtu.be/hMLw6API3CU

♐FOND 5: https://youtu.be/PsgoI1mVnEU

♐FOND 6: https://youtu.be/pq8C-XmjRl8

♐FOND 7: https://youtu.be/aaTL_F3HZ6U