♐DIAGONAL is a video posted to the second youtube account on January 28,
This video or series has a composite with an “interesting” video scope.
The video is 24:30 in length. The visuals contain a flickering series of monochrome frames. The sound is in mono, and there is no audio after the 3:30 mark.
The isolated audio from ♐DIAGONAL can be found here.
When sped up to approximately the length of the opening sound from ♐MOTH (~15 seconds) it sounds like this.
It appears to sound like the result of exporting non-audio file data into audacity, or layering multiple high db offset tracks onto eachother.
The significance of the name ‘diagonal’ is as yet unclear.
Conceptually, ♐DIAGONAL seems related to the visual style of ♐RECOVER. Except for the fact that it was also posted after a notable “pause” in new material from UFSC, it is unclear if or how the two are related.
♐DIAGONAL composite. (add creator credit when known!)
screencap of ♐DIAGONAL 3-D composite by vantjac
This composite can be browsed in a 3-D projection here.
The 3-D Composite appears to show a definite constrained shape.